According to the World Bank, we produce 2.01 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste annually on a global scale. Globally, waste generated per person per day averages 0.74 Kilogram. Additionally, high-income countries generate 683 million tonnes of world waste. Considering the above data, there is a dire need to implement the 3 R's of waste management which include Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Scroll down to learn how you can recycle and reuse your beauty products and contribute to waste reduction. 

How To Reuse And Recycle Beauty Products?

Here are the steps you can take to reuse and recycle your beauty products: 

Opt For Refillable Products

Most beauty brands have now come with refillable product options. This reduces the usage of plastic bottles. You can opt for these refillable packs and fill your already existing bottles with these products. This way you will be able to use your shampoo and lotion bottles for a long time. 

Avoid Single Use Wipes

Makeup wipes and cotton wet wipes are commonly used to remove makeup. However, they are used only once. These wet wipes add to the cosmetic waste. Rather than using these wipes frequently, you can opt for reusable cotton clothes which can be cleaned to remove makeup. 

Buy Less Products

Discounts and sales often tempt us to buy more beauty and makeup products which unnecessarily get stocked up in our houses. However, these products come with an expiry date and if you do not use them on time, they turn useless and contribute to cosmetic waste. Thus, it’s better to purchase only those beauty and makeup products which are needed. 

Use Soap Bars

Liquid soaps come with plastic packaging which is difficult to recycle. So, you can opt for soap bars to save our environment from plastic waste. 

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Clean Containers Before Throwing

We tend to throw beauty and skincare plastic bottles without cleaning them which leads to excessive chemical waste in the environment. Thus, it’s advisable to clean the bottles and containers properly to remove all the chemical residues before throwing them. 

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Image Courtsey: Freepik/Unsplash

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